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Living in a COVID environment

Just like everyone, I have been feeling concerned about COVID especially while visiting NDIS participants in their homes. I have been triple vaccinated, always wear a mask, wash/sanitise my hands regularly and socially distance where possible. I feel like I have dodged a bullet but so far so good. I could just have telephone and online counselling sessions with my participants but feel more confident because I am following the recommended precautions.

How can I deal with anxiety about COVID when I am with clients? Its good to expose myself to COVID anxiety and allow myself to get used to the anxiety. After all, that’s the cognitive model! Sometimes I wonder how my clients feel about COVID. I always address any issues they may have about COVID through the therapeutic alliance and emotional support. I see this as a golden opportunity to build resilience, optimism and determination in my clients who may be finding it challenging, like many of us, to live in the COVID environment.


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